In the Congo, every day is prom day. On international Women's Day, they made a special fabric and many many women bought the fabric and made dresses. The woman who is seated, with the headdress in the picture of the three women is wearing an International Women's Day Dress
The place we went shopping is called the "beach." It is not far from the Congo River and it is where the boats from other area dock - hence, the beach. I was hoping for sand, life guards, and an occasional bikini, and agreed to go along, boy, was I disappointed.
There are a gazillion little booths where women sell lengths of fabric. The are all 45 inches wide by six yards. They are colorful and multi designs. Some are a little strange. We have seen fabric with big high heel shoes in the design, flip flops, and even spark plugs.
For us the prices started about 25 dollars per piece. In the end the price is about ten dollars per piece after you haggle for several minutes. It is certainly more fun that Fabric Depot, and you don't have to stand in those interminal lines while waiting to get a piece of fabric cut to the desired size.
Suzanne's initial fabric purchases are to make a couple of purse/bags, and a table cover. No, she is not making a dress out of the chicken fabric.
Suzanne bought some really cool fabric. If you want a Congolese dress, just let us know. We will take many more Congolese women dressed in their beautiful dresses and do an entire post on "Every Day is Prom Day."